Fortune Hospital, Kanpur

The name “FORTUNE” denotes chance of luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
“Learn something new everyday, learn forgiveness, and be kind to the needy and the poor, try to help the humankind”.

  • Fortune Hospital was established in the year 2015.
  • The healthcare center provided high quality and cost-effective medical services to cater to the need of all section of society.
  • All modern facilities and sophisticated medical equipment are available with the objective of providing comprehensive healthcare under one roof.
  • The hospital is manned by highly trained, dynamic and accomplished team of medical and para-medical professionals, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Consultants are the best in knowledge, skills & care.

To become a truly professional healthcare organisation in super- specialty & tertiary care leading with new generation technology & best standard quality of medical services to strata of society which is deprived either because of poverty or non-availability of such facilities.

To build first class patient focused services on high quality & evidence based medical practice throughout the organisation of highly trained & qualified staff with zeal of continuously improving & up-gradation of knowledge level by regular training program to acumen the skill. At present we start our hospital with 61 beds and we will fulfill 200 beds shortly.

To bring reliable, affordable and quality healthcare to the doorsteps of those who need it most with a dedicated highly trained team of doctors and coworkers working in state of art infrastructure in amalgamation with latest gazettes in health care technology.

Our Hospital Values

Community centric

Healthcare provider, who is nearby and always available.

Patient centric

Putting the patient first. Giving priority to better outcome and satisfaction.


A working environment with continuous learning and self development.

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